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Severed head found in Amsterdam tied to drug war

March 9, 2016

A severed head has been found in front of an Amsterdam cafe, a day after a decapitated body was discovered in a torched car. Police are investigating links with criminal drug gangs.

Niederland Ein abgetrennter Kopf wurde vor einem Amsterdamer Café gefunden
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/R. De Waal

Police said the severed head placed in front of an Amsterdam water pipe cafe belonged to 23-year-old Nabil Amzieb, a Moroccan "known to police."

The body of the man was found in a torched car on Tuesday on the outskirts of the Dutch capital, a murder police said was likely linked to an ongoing drug turf war between rival gangs that has left several people shot and killed.

The water pipe cafe was shut down by Amsterdam's mayor on Wednesday.

According to Dutch media "Telegraaf," the Fayrouz cafe played a central role in the drug war between rival Moroccan gangs. In 2014, the cafe was the scene of a murder.

cw/jil (AP, dpa)

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